Yoga and MS

Posted by Elaine Monday

Yoga can be a powerful tool for someone who has MS. There are so many ways to vary the practice depending on the student's mobility, flexibility and ability to move independently or with assistance.

Yoga can be energizing, relaxing and empowering. It can serve as an energy booster and can soothe harried nerves. It is a great way for the MS patient to build confidence and create clarity.

It can be done sitting in any kind of chair, a manual wheelchair or even a power chair. It can be done on the floor, or supported by props - whatever it takes. There is no one correct way to do yoga. Yoga does not have to be performed standing or sitting or lying down.

Yoga can bring back memories of sensations and movement in the body....even if one is unable to actually experience the sensation or move the body part unassisted. I like to think of it as recalling body memory. There are many ways that the body remembers and pathways can be retraced and revisited. when the mind and the body are connected there is greater clarity of mind and connection to one's inner core.

Private and group lessons offered.

1 Responses to Yoga and MS

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. Nice blog, Elaine. Check out my new website
    I'll list your blog there if you want or do you have a website. The style of yoga you offer is very appropriate for MS and any of the so called modern lifestyle diseases as well. Best wishes, Michael


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